"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

March 20, 2012


In the space between yes and no, there’s a lifetime. It’s the difference between the path you walk and the one you leave behind; it’s the gap between who you thought you could be and who you really are; its the legroom for the lies you’ll tell yourself in the future. ~ Jodi Picoult (Change of Heart)

Be truth to who you really are, because you know what everybody else is taken.

There are so many tough decisions in life that we have to make and yes I've been that place before when i have to face to decide, did I want to study in the States, should I stay home after my first year in the States, should I move back home after college, where I wanna be for the next 5-10 years, who I wanna be with, what do I want to study, what do I wanna do for the rest of my life... and there are so many decisions that I'm still facing it to decide right now. But I do know one thing, deep deep down inside I already know what I want, just because other people talks, other people influences in a way that made I think it's not what I want, it's not what I meant to be, that made me always have a second thought.

When it comes to tough decision in life and I usually cant sleep, I'm a type of person who over-thinking, over-worrying, and over-nervous...with the result of me not sleeping, but I'm usually patient and wait until the moment I have to decide. I usually already know what my decision is, just the matter of say-ing it all out loud, even though the moment I said it is going to hurt me the most.

One of my special guy friend said this to me: Quyết định đúng đắn nhất là quyêt định được đưa ra tại thời điểm quyết định. There were many times through out the tiny portion of my life that I regretted the decisions that I have made but every single time I looked back, then I asked myself: if I could go back and do it all over again, would it change anything? then my answer has always been No.

So wait for it my friends, wait for the right moment to say it all out loud, before then do the best that you can do at the moment, on my sleepless nights that I usually lay there and think about my life, I always told myself that, I don't have to decide where I wanna be for the next 10 years, what do I wanna do for the rest of my life right now, the best that I can do for myself right now is to fall to sleep, and tomorrow will come. Deep down inside you already know the decision is, after all, it's you ~not everybody else~ is going to live with that decision. Once you be truth to yourself, nothing else matters anymore. 

To my girls who face the decision: should I agree to marry the guy?

"“Nếu đã lựa chọn đi về bên trái, thì gặp phải những chông gai, chúng ta hãy mỉm cười và nói rằng, con đường bên kia chắc cũng khó đi như vậy; nếu đi về bên phải, gặp những giấc mơ đẹp đẽ, chúng ta cũng hãy mỉm cười mà nói rằng, con đường bên kia chắc cũng huy hoàng như vậy”.
Trong tình yêu, đôi khi người ta sẽ phải đưa ra những sự chọn lựa đầy khó khăn. Có thể đúng, mà cũng có thể sai. Nhưng dù thế nào thì cũng đừng hối hận, như vậy mới có thể hạnh phúc."

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