"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

March 28, 2012

Ready to shelve away
my 2 years baby

I have to shelve away my 2 years project. Now all the plan is just a blur. 2 years... I have put my heart and soul to that project. 2 damn years. Now i got NOTHING...
Had a good cry! Life is hard!
It takes great strength to give up but it's better than beating a dead horse!
Everything will be okay by the end!


  1. Life is not as hard as you think it is. Just take it easy, don't think too much, you'll be fine

    1. I stared at your comment for hours and had no idea how to reply. 1st because you sounded so familiar and 2nd because it's always easier to said than done right?. Most ppl i know are kinda ppl who always think too much, so I cant help but wonder if you could do the thing you suggested when the similar things happened to you.
      Oh well, to sum up, life is what happens when we're busy to make plans. Whatever happens is whatever is meant to be. I accepted the fact that the project got shelved away, but for the heck of it, I know and everybody knows that I try to fight hard and not give up on that project.
      Common give the girl a little break, she deserved to feel down when the thing she works for in years turned out nothing. Cheers
