"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

February 23, 2012

Blah blah blahhhhh

Called Michele and Tom on Valentine, I havent called them for awhile! Tom asked when is the next visit? I guessed they miss me! I've been trying to visit them every year since i moved away from La crosse... I dont know if i have time to do it this year!!! I'm just afraid of planning too much this year that i would miss out the biggest goal.

I told Michele abt my plans and she silented for 5 mins, i know she was speechless, i have been in their lives for the last 9 years, they've watched me growing up, they're the ppl i always turned to when i had problems, i'm practically the daughter they never had. it's always so hard to learn that one day the person you love is going to leave u! The only thing she said was: It's good that u know what you want and what you need to do to get there.
I'm living in 2 worlds: one world contains my culture, my childhood, my family, my friends; the other world has all the ppl that i've made my connections through out the years i've lived in the states, and i think one day i will have to sacrify one to live another. It was too hard to pick and chose! But i made peace with it!

Sometimes i wished i would just drop what i do right now and follow my ultimate dreams: becoming a housewife! I would enjoy cleaning washing, cooking, baking, and spending more time on cross stitching, when i have nothing to worry but what is for dinner... I will have more time to create craft stuffs... Retouch on crochet and knitting, those hobbies that i droped due to no time to take care it all, i will have more time to take pictures enjoy nature more often!!! Haiz... Some dreams are not realistic to be followed :-(!

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