"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

February 14, 2012

"And in the end, the love you get is equal to the love you give"

Once in a while I might feel a little bit loneliness, Once in a while I might want a perfect date starting with me dressing up in a nice evening dress, putting on make-up, wear my classy perfume, wearing all those high heels that I know would kill my feet later on, follow by the guy picks me up from my door with the pink lily (my most favorite), or with pink daisy (my second favorite), or pink and white carnations (my old time favorites) flowers in his hands, dinner, movie, and end with a kiss at my front door.
Just once in a while I might want to be treated like a lady even though I usually feel kinda awkward when somebody treats me nicely or gives me compliments.
I want to go through today without thinking anything, empty mind inside out. Even though I got nobody called “that special someone" to spend today with but I know I’m well loved; and even though deep deep deep down inside me I know what the memory of today is meant to me, but I started today with a perfect smile and I want it to end that way.
"The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.”

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