"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

July 23, 2011

Australia (day 3): Port Douglas

The room was cold so I turned on the heater. I woke up because of the jetlag, I was so hungry because I didn’t have any dinner and mostly because I can’t breathe anymore. Cant fall back to sleep so I decided to make some coffee and stayed up.
We went to breakfast at sometimes around 7am, met some big shot ppl like the guy at Boulder, Colorado who is working with Obama (:-S), met the organizer of the conference.
We decided that we took a walk to 4 miles beach to Port Douglas village. Boyz, I’m telling you. I’ve been to Florida beach, California beach, Nha Trang beach, Da Nang beach, but this place is amazing, you would fall in love with it the first time you see it (like I did). The walk to town was absolutely perfect; I took my feet off just to put my feet in the water. It didn’t even smell like sea at all.
We went to town to get some grocery, I bought a hat and a short and a beach hat for me because I didn’t pack any (since I thought it’s going to be winter in Australia, but the place is warm enough and the water temperature is 22*C.
It’s Sunday in Australia so they have a little market at the town village. We took the rail road back to the resort and it was hot outside.
After taking a litter rest, we went down to the pool where I wore my 2 pieces (my shirt and my short) deep my feet in the water. Listen to some music and read “Chuyen tinh paris”.
After finished resister for the conference, Tim and I realized that my Hot topic presentation would be with some big shot ppl. Wow the pressure is on me to give the best talk. I don’t want to embarrass Tim in front of those ppl right?
It’s good until tomorrow, I still have to figure out what I want to do tmr afternoon yet. We will see what happen. 
(I will update the pic later)


  1. Good to hear that you are having some nice time in Aus. I belive you will do a great job presenting your work at the conference. But there're some confusions in your posts, one of which would be the following:
    "1st impression would be ppl here drove on the right side so the bus driver has to correct us that we should get on the van from the left but not on the right."
    ~> should it be "ppl here drove on the left-hand side"?
    Good luck with your presentation and enjoy cool weather in Aus be4 heading back to the heat of Arizona!

  2. What i meant was the driver seat was on the right, compare to the US the driver seat is on the left... So their left is the US right... I was sitting in the back of the van looking up. Got it?

  3. Apparently, it's confusing since I didn't get it (I bet most of others reader would not get it, either). You'd better use "driver's seat" rather than "drove on the right". "Driving on the right side" means keeping the right side of the road.

  4. 1st, I don't expect to have any reader following my blog.
    2nd, It's my blog and it's how i see the world. If you want to have everything in on your own view. I suggest that you create the blog of your own and write on it... instead of correcting my point of view about the world on my blog.
