"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

July 20, 2011


I'm going to Australia tomorrow. Even when we bought the tickets, when i went home to obtain the visa to get back to the states, when i got my business visa to aus, i never feel so real that the trip is actually happening until today!!! The trip that i have dreamed abt since i first got into grad school! The conference happens once every 2 years, and different continent by the next time it happens again, i will be graduated already.

One of the excitement is i will give a presentation among those famous and successful scientists within my field such as: Bob Field (MIT), John Maier (Basel), Mike Duncan, Scott Reid (Texas), Terry Miller(OSU), Mike McCarthy, Lucy Ziurys...I'm building up my scientific reputation!!!
This is happening made me feel that all of my sacrifices on my personal life worth it. Who gets to go to Australia for free like me. That doesn't happen that often even for best graduate student. I cant help but keep the smile on my face for this trip.
Here is the details schedule with my name as one of the Hot topics presenter
I will have chance to travel around Aussie. Trust me, I traveled around the States,Vietnam, and Asia by my money before. But travel to Aussie on a business visa, this is whole different story. It made me feel a lot like a grown up now. I have the chance to go to the world greatest barrier reef, and various cities such as Sydney, Brisbane, port Douglas, Melbourne.
The project that I'm going to be presenting ( visible spectrum of ZrO2) is never been detected before in the gas phases until I did, (but i don't want to talk about my project on something that I like to read back later on). Work stays at work only. I try not to bring work to home, or think about work at home, unless I really have to-like yesterday.
Best of all, I have chance to see my best friend in Aus, whom i havent seen in 7 years to be even. We talked about the possibility of me visiting her a lot before, but this time no more talking, everything happens so real now...
Now, my poster is ready, time to fix up my ppt. I have to made myself presentable right? especially in front of those ppl will offer me job next year. :P
Life is good. Keep smiling

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