"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

April 29, 2012

"You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness"

Boarding pass
Cleaned out my closet, bookshelves on Friday and Saturday, tried to start with packing and prepare for moving. I found certain things should have been throw out long time ago.
Good thing about staying in the same place for the last 3 years is i have a stable life, stable place, and same schedule, same bus to go home, same stairs to go up to my apt, and my place started to feel really homey. Bad thing about living in the same place for too long that you started putting certain things that you dont want to look at into the corner of your closet then you forgot that you still owned/have them and in the end you ended up with a lot of craps.
On some T-shirt i never wore
Think abt the fact if I eventually move back home to stay, how am I going to fit all of my craps that I've collected throughout all those years into 2 suitcases.

27 VS bags ~ BAD addiction
Sometimes moving out of your comfort zone is good thing, not a lot of people like to do it but it would help you (or me at least) clear your head, clear your mind, clean your craps.
On the other hands, feel a little bit uneasy about Nikki's leaving, because I know we would never live in the same city again. And there are so many things we planed to do together but yet didnt have time to do them all. Oh well, people come and go, and life is the chain of a lot of unfinished business. We went out and bought the "friends forever" Pandora charm yesterday, she keeps half and I keep half and we both wear them on our Pandora chain, may she always keep me in her heart as she always stays in my heart.

Breath in...hnay oánh dấu tròn 2 năm cái ngày mình trở thành độc thân và vui tính .... tg trôi qua nhanh quá nhỉ?

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