"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

January 15, 2012

It has been awhile…

Crying is good ~ it lets all of my emotions that I suppressed down for long time out into the surfaces. It for sure isn't good for my eyes. Puffy eyes ~ the result of crying all night.
Pour little Bee, why cant you be drunk and happy. why every single time you are drunk you cry your heart out.
I don't wanna open the door to go back to the past road, the me that waited for his foot steps to my door, his phone calls, his texts, the me who was helpless in love, i don't want to just stand still and wait when everything around me is moving and I'm the only one who is left behind. I don't remember how long it took me recovery the pain, I let time decided what to do, then when all the feelings was burn to ash, there was me empty.

Time is the best healer, is also the best liar...

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