"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

September 11, 2011


Since I made up my mind about what i wanna do next for the next 5-10-15 years and the rest of my life. The direction is never been more clear than now, i never feel much more relieved than now. Everything will fall into places eventually, and I can see it even better with my vision this the plan has made.
You know you made the right decision when your heart feel happy, your mind feel peace. I know ppl are going to say: WHAT, REALLY or are you sure, are you crazy, or why did you waste the last couple years of your life for... BUT not everybody shaping the same way, and not everybody choose the same path.
The thing is: it has always been that decision since I started my life in the states. Just because a lot of opportunities provided to me throughout all those years, That I know myself if I pushed myself a little bit more than now, I can do better, I can make things better, I can become more than I wish I could, Because all of that available possibilities have drifted me away from my gut feelings decision, what I always wanted to do since 1st place. But I came to realize: It's my life that I have to live... So It's no better than now to choose what I want out of it
"I'm choosing happiness over suffering, I know I am. I'm making space for the unknown future to fill up my life with yet-to-come surprises."
It will be a good plan...
It will be
I just know it
My gut feeling decision never failed me just once...

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