"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

December 27, 2011

Rainy Paris

After living in a very dry climate for almost 4 years, i'm so getting used to dry weather, so whenever i see the rain, i feel like a child.
Rainy Paris was rather sad, than the pouring rain in Phoenix that I got 2 weeks ago. It rained just like Hanoi when it's almost Tet. It made me missing home
We spent the rainny day in musée du Louvre, admire the arts, the sculptures, the paintings, I was amazed.
We tried to look for a lithophone that mommy saw almost 20 years ago, but we couldnt find it, our guesses was they returned back to Vietnam.
We also looked for the painting of Mona Lisa.
I would want to have more time in the Louvre to study and learn on the details of each and every pieces in the Louvre, but I would have to spend the whole week in there rather than just 1 day.
BTW, I couldn't get in with a reduce fare (age of 24 or less) in here like I did when I get in Eiffel Tower where I still could lie about being 23. Life is still good.

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