"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

December 22, 2011

Paris - My dream city

 I've never thought I would make it to Paris this year, the trip hadnt even been come true by Thanksgiving, when I didn't have my visa yet.
Getting an visa Schengen from Phoenix such a pain in the a$$, when I have to fly to LA in the middle of November just to drop off my visa application, then fly back within a day (during my busiest semester, time off is not appreciated at all from me). However, I planned everything correctly and the process to drop off my visa application was quick so I have time to have lunch with my friend before flying back to Phoenix the same day.
I came back to Phoenix after thanksgiving find out that I have my visa already, then the trip kinda fall together. (the hardest part was fighting all the temptations so I stayed sane for the last couple weeks of semester.
Then I was in Paris.
Paris is always as beautiful as I imagine with all the culture, the history, the architecture...
 We took metro number 9 to get to Trocadero station where we visited Eiffel tower ~ my first stop after I landed in Charles de Gaulle airport. 
Paris hasnt lived up to my imagination yet untill all the lights on Eiffel tower were illuminated, then it just looks like a fairy tale, a dream. 
Now I understood why Eiffel tower is the French's pride, symbol... 
I fell in love with Paris from that moment on.
Later on that evening, we took the metro 6 to visit my high-school friend, for his birthday party. It was good to have a friend a cross the world.
I think it's enough for my first day in paris. Now I need to sleep preparing for another day of Paris fun. ^^

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