"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

May 2, 2012

Nghi's graduation gift

Bé Nghi yêu quý của chị,
I'm never good at express my feelings but I have to admit: It wasn't easy for me to see you (my little sister) finally grow up and off to graduation. As our lives come together for the last 3 years, and as I looked through all the pictures that we took together (in order to make this scrapbook), the only thing remains through out all the pictures is our wonderful smiles. We did have a lot of fun, didn't we? As you facing the real world starting today, there will be a lot more of ups and downs moments, life is a challenge and it's not an easy road to walk as an adult, but I know you will get through it all. No matter how hard life is, never forget to smile, "Whenever you go-out-of -doors, draw the chin in, carry the crown of the head high, and fill the lung to the utmost, drink in the sunshine, and put said in to every handclasp". I want you to keep all the wonderful memories that we've shared in your heart, as you will forever stay in my heart. Take a good care of yourself.
Your biggest Bee

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