"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

August 21, 2012

Bạn therapist đẹp trai như diễn viên điện ảnh. I really dont like those guys who know (believe) that they actually r good looking. They care much more abt their looks, less on the job that they r supposed to do. Sometimes, i wonder if taking the time to go through with PT is going to help with the pain.

Survived my last summer in phoenix. Actually the weather has been really nice this summer w/ a lot of rain. It had couple days that the temp went up to 47C but it felt so much nicer than any summer that i've been here. Managed to bike all summer long, except for those times that i almost got hit either by bus or by car, i come to realize that biking from new place is much more convience than taking a bus.

Off to my year 10th in the states, time flies.

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