"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

July 17, 2012

Where do i go?
What would I do?
Tim asked: "Do you still want to move back East?"
I thought (in the back of my mind): "what for?". The whole idea of moving back East occurred couple years back when my parents are still planning on renew their term to stay 2-3 years more in DC, and if I was back East, i could come visit more often, closer to them. Now, parents are moving back home after this year. Nothing else holds me back, tights me down to East Coast, Do I want to still move there? the wild part of me say go on with my life, move where I'm needed, which could be everywhere in the whole world, experience new life in a new country, the other part the conscientious part feels that I'm still missing out on something if I decide to leave the States.
Here I am giving advice to other people on "go with the gut feelings", on the other hands, my gut feelings are very confusing.
I usually think that live for today, taking life as one day at a time and whatever comes will come. But sometime I jut cant help but wonder, where would life take me, where would my decision lead myself into?
Will I still be happy with what I choose? 
I guessed I cant avoid reality, cant avoid real world, cant avoid growing up any longer. Either decide to grow up and get a job, or go back for another Phd lolz...
Sometimes, life is confusing...

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