"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

July 5, 2012

I miss Australia, a little "dead" town called Sarina where it only has one in-and-out-fish-and-chip "restaurant". I misss being next to the ocean that night, looking up at a southern milky way, it took my breath away. It was like I can make any wish and It's all gonna come true.
I miss taking the tram in Melbourne with my bestie when we could let life slip by slowly and all we did was talk abt hopes and dreams. Life changed us in so many directions, and we were not in the same place as 8th grade anymore, but we managed to keep each other in our heart.
I can just close my eyes, then I would escape away from this reality and there I was in Australia, taking a walk in the morning on Port Douglas beach, little island called Low Isles where I went on trying snorkeling ( well, i sucked), siting in a car on the road trip passing by all the cane field down all the way to Brisbane, or taking a ferry in Sydney.
Ahhh... I misss Australia soo soo sooo much....

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