"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

October 12, 2010

Yoga and 10 years from now

After 3 years of on and off learning yoga, My Yoga instructor yesterday told me that: "Bee is like a yoga teacher in training"... The week before she said I'm kind of intermediate working toward advance level. That's quite of the compliments coming from her. I can now master at twisting poses, aligning poses, getting better at push up, cobra and hand-stand, working toward head stand poses, still need to learn how to do scopions.... But I'm working toward advance level :)...
And today I'm thinking myself, if by the time I graduate, and I have no job offer and I have no rich husband to take care of me, may be I could be a yoga teacher, who always can be happy to be at present, no thingking about future or the past. Just be at the MOMENT...
Then I got to think about 10 years ago when my mom took me out to buy my bicycle for my high school, we met a yoga intructor at that moment she was helping her husband to sell the bike, then I got to think about 10 years from now, maybe i would become a yoga teacher, then open up my own cross stitch shop and living a simple life, no more worry about data, research.
That would be my beautiful dream...

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