"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

September 29, 2005


I'm tired of being here. It's raining out and it reminds me about things happened. Always.

It makes me think about Ha Noi where I could do everything to go back there. I still remember when I talked to my friend long time ago, he said you and I are totally different, You like walking in the rain in the winter and I like doing it in the summer. We're all different anyway. But It makes me laugh whenever I think about it. Peaceful moment right?

There's no rain in the winter at the place that where I live right now. Everyting is in white, the color of snow, nothing else except white.

My dad used to say our lives are as white as a paper until somebody comes and writes on it, makes it look bad or good. Since then we're never be the same again.

I miss home a lot. That's the place that i always feel safe, and not too worry about thing happen around me. The place where I usually hided from problems. I miss the feeling of being taken care of, where my friends all are not too selfish. We do love, trust and care about each other. We dont live for our own lives. But I'm too far away from that. I'm further and further to them.

I learn a new word today. It's "rebound relationship" I hope I spell it correctly. I'm so dump at English. Oh, talking about English, my proffessor hates me I think.  He keeps taking off 1 or 2 points of my quizes just because I have extra a "AND" "," or "SO". It's so weird. Does he understand that I'm not learning it in my 1st language???

It has been a long time since I'm not writing blog in VNese anymore.

Oh, I learn smth today also.

When sb makes you hurt, write it on the sand, because the wind will blow it away and you will learn how to forgive. When sb makes you happy, write in on the stone like engrave it in your heart, where there's no wind to blow it away.

From my friend: " No man, no love, no cry". It's true right?

Why I keep saying to myself Thing's gonna be alright?

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