"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

October 24, 2012

I cant find my energy to do everything.
Chẳng còn trẻ như hồi cách đây vài năm để thức vài đêm mà ko ngủ nữa, or even at least do the studying like I did when I studied my oral exam: went to bed at 11pm/midnight then Nghi would try to wake me up at 4am.
Hôm nay bùn ngủ đến mức đã phải uống 2nd cup coffee in the afternoon which I havent done in a long time. Then I also have to drag myself to sit outside. The weather has been warm this year and it's actually quite nice today with little breeze. I cant let myself to freak out/ or break down, I know to myself that I've been pushing me up to my limit that one more push then I will be in the freezing mode, and I dont do well (or I cant do anything at all in my freezing mode). 7days left for me to finish everything. Can I do it all? Can I have it all?

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