"Khi thấy buồn, em cứ đến chơi..."

April 30, 2014

Spring is now arriving. I forgot how beautiful the 4 seasons are. It has been 4 months into the job. I'm feeling like I'm working non-resting. I feel like If I stop, i will be out of job and we will be in difficult situation. It's no easy way in life I guess.

April 11, 2014

Sometimes things happen that is out of our control.
I had a friend that I'm lucky enough to get to know him, to be friend with him, to be inspired and encourage by him while I was in college. He taught me to look at life on a positive side. Sometime you just wonder how would such a person made an large impact in your life.
My friend passed away two Saturday ago due to leukemia after 2.5 years of fighting the terrible disease. He and his wife just celebrated their 2 years anniversary. It took them 7 years to finally be together and then apart again. His deceased took a lot out of me. He was such a wonderful person, kind-hearted, talented person. It's just sad. Period.

Don’t take tomorrow for granted. Hug a little harder, say "I love you" a few more times than you might otherwise, complete that task you've been putting off, call your mom back, let that small thing bugging you go, say "yes" more than you say "no", don't forget to smile, and live today.

To Daron Williams, May you rest in peace.  Thinking of you, your wife and your family constantly.